What we do
HRQTECH is a technical personnel provider and project execution company. Our Core competences are delivering experienced and certified personnel to various projects. Our main disciplines are: Scaffolding, welding, carpentry, concrete works, brick laying, roofing, assembly line specialists, steel construction assembly, pipe fitting, and HVAC.
Moreover, we provide mid-level engineering personnel, with proper certification, experienced in working on the biggest construction site of Europe.
Corporate Culture
As a company we believe in six components, that are essential for our corporate culture.
To provide best people for the project. Personnel is not another “product”. We work, with intelligent, experienced and greatly motivated people, to assure best project execution for our clients.
People matter, safety counts while projects are done. Many of our employees, work in hazardous areas. Technical personnel, must be prepared to work safely on different project sites and factories. Since people matter the most, we guarantee provide professional safety trainings, for every position held by our personnel, in accordance with the local regulations and requirements. Additionally, we are actively involved in anti-slavery and anti human trafficking organisations.
Even best values are worthless, unless implemented in practice. HRQTECH, as a part of HRQ group of companies, is promoting flat structure, where every employee has direct access to the management, thus allowing efficient communication and troubleshooting. We care for our employees needs. Positive work atmosphere is one of the key elements that guarantee efficient and safe work.
Since people matter, our whole structure is wrapped around them. Every employee is equipped with modern communication tools, that allow instant communication, and problem solving. We promote those that are involved, and are willing to go an extra mile, beyond basic responsibilities.
Our management team, brings rich advantage of experience. We all have been working in a foreign environment, and living abroad. We understand the importance of cultural differences, communication skills, different management cultures, and assimilation. We continuously monitor all these aspects on our projects. Vast majority of our personnel has 5 years or more of working abroad, in different locations.
Every place shapes a culture. Since our employees don’t work in one physical location, we shape our place, through our teams. In each location we are present, we assure integration our our team with the rest of the local crew. Our goal is that every local culture will reinforce our values and teams.
Our team